How to write a resume for a salesperson position. sales resume examples

Your resume should include several thematic blocks. Start by filling out the “Personal Information” section - enter your last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, city, etc. After that, describe your work experience: in the appropriate fields, indicate the start and end periods of work, position, information about the employer company, briefly list major responsibilities and accomplishments.

Describing your responsibilities, focus on the results of the work, give figures confirming your effectiveness. For example:
- Daily served more than 200 customers at the checkout (cash and non-cash payments).
- Advised customers when choosing a product (cosmetics, perfumes), as a result, sales increased by 25% in three months of work (up to 500,000 rubles in excess of the plan).
- Every day I carried out the display of goods on 7 racks assigned to me. Winner of the competition "Best window dressing - 2016", held annually in the company.
- Engaged in the preparation of goods for sale (unpacking, sorting products, designing price tags, giving products a presentation), which made it possible to speed up the process of servicing customers from 30 to 10 minutes.
- Conducted 2-3 presentations of cosmetic novelties every month, thanks to which the number of regular customers doubled.

In the "Key Skills" section of your resume, you need to list your core competencies - what makes up your professionalism. For example:
- Experience in sales of cosmetics - 5 years;
- excellent knowledge of the range of cosmetics and perfumes;
- the ability to find contact with any buyer;
- knowledge of cash discipline, rules for receiving and issuing funds;
- understanding of the principles of customer orientation;
- ability to work in a team and achieve joint results;
- knowledge of trade rules and consumer protection law.

Fill in the "Achievements" field: describe your professional successes, what you are proud of. Try not to be streamlined, but specifically, using numbers. For example: “I know how to work in high-traffic stores: I serve dozens of customers in a row kindly and accurately.”

Separately, it is necessary to say about the field "Additional information". Here you can enter information that is not included in the main sections, but, nevertheless, is important for the desired position. In particular, give an example of the positive impact of your personal qualities on the results of work: "Politeness and stress resistance help me to always remain calm and friendly when communicating with customers." You can also indicate other qualities that are important for the position of the seller-cashier: goodwill, sociability, customer focus, responsibility, discipline, attentiveness, decency, non-conflict.

We wish you good luck in your job search!

It would seem that finding a job in this area is easy, but the demand for the profession does not mean a guarantee of employment. Demand is high, and competition is high. To get a job, and especially a job that pays well, you need to take such a task as writing a resume of a salesman with all seriousness.

The seller's resume has one important nuance - in fact, this is a commercial offer. When looking for a job, you "sell" yourself - your experience, skills, and resume - this is the first stage of "selling". What will an employer think if they see a low-quality sales manager resume? Correctly. “How can he effectively sell my products/services if he can’t sell himself?”

Writing a resume for a seller is a process in which, for starters, you should rely on generally accepted rules. In particular, the resume structure is the same as for any specialty. A document drawn up according to the rules is a “base” to which you will add a “superstructure” in the form of examples of your achievements, especially valuable skills, personal qualities that are important for a job.

We will show the structure of the resume when we give examples of resumes for sellers, and now we will talk about a few more important nuances.

What does an employer want to see?, when does he expect that now an applicant for the position of a salesperson will come to him for an interview?

He wants to see:


The applicant who is familiar with the products / services that the employer sells on the market always has an advantage. That is, if you need a specialist in wholesale sales of building materials, then applicants who have relevant experience will have more chances. We can say that the general concept of "salesperson" does not exist: there are separate areas and specializations, and it's good if your career is built in one of the areas, and you consistently accumulate experience.

And if not? If you want to change your specialization or you have no experience at all? In order to compete, you need to at least in theory get to know the products and activities of the employer. Be sure to include this on your resume. For example, mention a training course that you took to improve your competence, or an internship, or mention in your cover letter that you understand the types of building materials and their purpose (you are familiar with technical documentation, consulted with experts on the topic of sales features in this area ).

Ability to communicate

Communication skills for a salesperson are not just a “bonus” to basic skills, they are one of the key criteria by which professionalism is judged.

To show that your communication skills are all right, it is not enough to write “good communication skills” on your resume. It will be more effective if you give an example of how you can use these skills. For example: “100% efficiency in negotiations (over the past year, all negotiations ended in a deal)”; “The average time to join a team, with the establishment of effective cooperative relationships with colleagues, is 1 month.”


Attentiveness is necessary, first of all, when working with documents: invoices, contracts, acts, etc. Incorrect indication of the date, address and other attributes of the document can lead to both loss of customers and loss of profit.

If you have experience with documentation, mention it in your resume to increase the employer's interest in your candidacy.

Neat appearance

Sellers are always in sight, all the time in the process of communication, so a neat, pleasant appearance, grooming are extremely important. An employer can really appreciate these qualities only at an interview, but you can make a first impression with a resume.

First, add a photo to your resume: in a suit (for a woman, as an option - a blouse or business-style dress), with a neat haircut, with a neutral background.

Second, review the content of your social networks. There is a high probability that the employer will want to see how you look in real life. If your accounts have photos from picnics where you pose for a photographer in swimming trunks and 3-day stubble, it is better to either delete such photos or leave them available only to friends.

What not to include on a resume

There is no need to list all the milestones of your work history and all the skills that you possess in your resume. What is important is what may be of interest to a particular employer.

For example, you speak English. If you are applying for a position in a fashion boutique where you could theoretically run into English-speaking customers, then foreign language skills are important and should be included on your resume.

If you want to get a job as a salesperson in a local company that operates only in the local market, English proficiency does not matter.

But even then, you can play around with your skill there to make it look like an advantage. For example, in the "Additional training" section, you will indicate the name of the online sales technology course that you attended in English. Good move: you show that you are striving to broaden your horizons and use sources that are not available to every other applicant.

When studying an example of a seller's resume, please note that much attention is paid to describing the results of activities, successes, achievements, and briefly, in specific numbers. The effectiveness of the seller's work is easy to measure in objective terms. Accordingly, the employer would like to see such information in the resume of the applicant.

seller resume sample

Ivanov Sergey Ivanovich


Date of birth: 1.08.1988

Tel. [telephone]


Marital status: Not maried.

Purpose of search: Sales consultant position, preferably in the home appliance industry.

Professional knowledge/skills

  • Receiving incoming calls, advising customers on product selection, characteristics and availability, informing about payment and delivery methods, taking orders via mail.
  • Assistance to customers in solving problems with defective equipment, organization of warranty and post-warranty repairs.
  • Conducting inventory at the point of sale.
  • Reporting, work with accounting documents.
  • Presentation skills.


October 2013 - victory in the competition "The best seller of the year in Saratov" (1st place).

November 2014 - victory in the corporate competition of projects to optimize the maintenance of the client base (Focus LLC).

In the last six months - the implementation of the sales plan by 180%.


October 2010 - January 2013, Technocredo LLC (sales of household and office equipment).

Shop assistant Service Support Specialist:

  • Receiving incoming calls, advising customers on product selection, characteristics and availability.
  • Sales in the trading floor.
  • Working with the company's online store: preparing descriptions and photos of goods.
  • Assistance to customers in solving problems with defective equipment, organization of warranty and post-warranty repairs.

January 2013 to date, Focus chain of stores (sales of household appliances)

Shop assistant:

  • advising customers, assistance in choosing goods;
  • registration of settlements with buyers, maintaining cash records;
  • informing customers about special offers and promotions of the store;
  • ensuring order in the trading floor;
  • display of goods (merchandising).


2014 – 2009 SSAU them. N.I. Vavilov , Faculty of Finance and Economics, specialty "Management".

Additional education:

2009 – course by Maria Filatova (international class expert) on successful sales. Duration - 1 month. Certificate.

2010 - online course "Fundamentals of modern marketing". Duration - 6 weeks. Certificate.

2011 - Sergey Litvinov's course (psychologist, expert in NLP technologies) "Secrets of successful sales". Duration 1 month. Certificate.

Personal qualities

Analytical mindset, efficiency, attentiveness, quick learner.

Presentable appearance, compliance with the dress code.

The ability to win people over.

Scrupulous attitude to work with documents, attention to detail.
Without bad habbits.

Sample resume for sales clerk


Sergeeva Marina Petrovna


Date of birth: 1.08.1978

Tel. [telephone]


Marital status: married, daughter 13 years old.

Purpose of search: The position of the seller-cashier on a shift schedule (with the possibility of night shifts).

Professional knowledge/skills:

  • computer proficiency at the level of a confident user;
  • knowledge of the functionality of cash registers, a barcode scanner, a payment terminal for plastic cards, the skills of their practical application;
  • merchandising skills;
  • knowledge of the key properties of goods of various groups;
  • possession of technologies of pricing, merchandising, marketing, warehouse accounting.


  • customer service;
  • maintenance and accounting of cash documents;
  • ensuring the safety of funds in cash;
  • reconciliation of the amount of cash in the cash register (KKM);
  • ensuring cash discipline; accounting of stocks of a tape for KKM and other consumables;
  • formation of a collection bag;
  • control over the optimal amount of inventory (including timely replenishment);
  • providing consulting assistance to buyers regarding the range, quality, consumer properties and advantages of the goods to be sold;
  • control over the availability and correct placement of price tags, as well as the indication of complete and reliable information about the product in them;
  • participation in the inventory of inventory items and the audit of funds in cash registers.


March 1995 - January 2002, Luch LLC (supermarket chain)


September 2006 - June 2011, Second Pair chain of stores (shoes)


August 2011 - December 2015, LLC "Rush" (chain of drogerie stores)



1995 - 2000, Moscow Technological College, Faculty of Economics, specialty "Seller-cashier".

Extra education:

2010 - course "Fundamentals of Merchandising" (Center for Advanced Studies at the State Employment Center), duration 2 months. Certificate.

Personal qualities:

  • equilibrium;
  • emotional stability;
  • the ability to be responsible for decisions made and actions taken;
  • willingness to learn and develop;
  • high concentration of attention;
  • good memory;
  • goodwill;
  • politeness.

Note that the second example of a salesperson-cashier resume uses a functional resume. This form of resume is convenient if you performed the same (or very close) functions in different positions, that is, the places of work changed, but the tasks remained the same. In this case, skills and functions are listed at the beginning of the resume, and only job positions (where you worked, by whom) and the period of time are indicated in the Work Experience block; the list of functions is not repeated many times.

A sales assistant resume sample is only at first glance one of the simplest. From a superficial point of view, this is not the most meaningful work that does not require special skills and competencies. But you can abandon this approach, reveal all the nuances of the profession and prepare a brilliant self-presentation.

Job Responsibilities of a Sales Consultant for a Resume

What does this employee do other than sell? In fact, the sales process includes several components:

  • advising customers on the range;
  • assistance in choosing goods;
  • their presentation;
  • documentation of the sale;
  • informing about promotions, opportunities to receive bonuses;
  • incentive for additional purchases.

Often, the seller's duties for a resume increase due to working with cash registers, displaying goods, receiving from a warehouse. The training of new employees should also be mentioned.

Responsibilities, functions, achievements in the resume of a sales consultant

They are listed separately or linked to each other. Then the HR specialist will find out that the applicant did not just do what he was told, but worked for the result. Such employees are valued the most.

How to bring the achievements of the sales assistant in the resume

It is important to mention the victories in industry competitions, if any.

Key Skills in a Resume: Examples for a Salesperson

And what should a representative of this profession be able to successfully perform the above? First of all, it is good to know the assortment of your store. He will also need:

  • knowledge of sales techniques;
  • knowledge of the law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", trade ethics;
  • ability to manage paperwork in trade;
  • the ability to find a common language with different types of people;
  • understanding of the basics of cash discipline.

Big pluses will be experience with specialized software (for example, "1C. Trade and Warehouse"), knowledge in the field of psychology, marketing.

But the skills of a sales consultant for a resume must be related to professional activities. Therefore, the possession of graphic editors or culinary talents is not worth mentioning.

Resume for work: sample 2020, sales assistant

Let's summarize the structure of the document. It is the same as for any other job. But it is better not to forget about the design rules:

  1. Personal data (full name, age, city of residence, contacts).
  2. Desired vacancy.
  3. Experience.
  4. Achievements (if they could not be included in the previous paragraph).
  5. Education (including additional).
  6. Professional skills.
  7. Personal qualities.

An example resume of a sales assistant proves that in any field of activity, specialists differ, first of all, in their understanding of what they do. And the clearer the applicant's idea of ​​this, the higher his chances of getting a good job.

Sample resume for sales assistant


2012-2017 — Russian State Pedagogical University. A.I. Herzen, Faculty of Psychology. Thesis on the psychology of trading.


2017-2020 - Flower store (IP Sergeev G.V.).

Responsibilities and achievements:

  1. Daily advised from 350 people on the range of household chemicals.
  2. Provided goods to customers, as a result of which sales grew steadily at 16% per month.
  3. Helped customers find the right product, resulting in a 73% increase in purchase-to-store visitor ratio over the past six months.
  4. Used post-sales incentives, resulting in a 37% increase in the average check for the quarter.

Professional skills

  • Knowledge of sales techniques.
  • Knowledge of the law "On consumer protection", trade ethics.
  • Ability to manage business paperwork.
  • The ability to find a common language with different types of people.
  • Understanding the basics of cash discipline.

Personal qualities

  • Goodwill.
  • Ability to smooth out conflicts.
  • Emotionality.
  • Sincerity.
  • Politeness.
  • Ability to work with a large number of people.
  • Well delivered speech.

Sales consultant is one of the most sought-after professions. There are many players on the market - small and large companies, private entrepreneurs, owners of online stores - and they all sell goods and services that require an expert to sell.

Target: the position of a sales manager in a non-food store in Novomoskovsk, full time.

Desired salary level - 5000 UAH.

Key skills:

In sales

  • skills of active sales in retail trade,
  • display of goods,
  • inventory,
  • work with cash register, terminal,
  • advising clients on the sales floor,
  • assistance in promoting the store in social networks.


  • preparation of primary documentation,
  • mentorship (transfer of experience to junior salespeople).


cutting and tailoring (certified seamstress).


MS Office, 1C, Corel Draw.


December 2014 - January 2017: shop assistant, cashier; chain of stores "Domostroy" (goods for the home).


  • receiving and distributing goods,
  • window dressing,
  • advising customers on the sales floor
  • settlement and cash services,
  • maintaining primary documentation (preparation of invoices),
  • preparation of sales reports,
  • inventory of goods in stock,
  • control over the timing of the sale of goods.


In December 2016, he was awarded the status of "Best Seller of the Retail Chain" based on the results of work for the year.

August 2010 – May 2014: salesman, shop "Little Fairy" (sale of goods for children, pregnant women, mothers, sale of baby food).



  • 100% fulfillment of the sales plan, in some months - overfulfillment; the maximum overfulfillment of the plan - by 210% in November 2014.
  • training of 5 managers-young specialists (six months after the training, all the trainees achieved 100% fulfillment of the sales plan),
  • building communication with the audience in social networks (2% of sales from Vk, 4% of sales from FB).

2005 - 2010: Atelier "Athena", seamstress, cutter(women's, men's, children's clothing).


  • cut on patterns,
  • work with different types of fabrics,
  • tailoring of knitwear, overalls, outerwear,
  • consulting clients, individual selection of models.


1997 - 2000 Novomoskovsk vocational school No. 17, specialty "Seamstress-minder", bachelor's degree.


2014 - A series of trainings "Sales Techniques" organized by the employer (5 trainings).

2014 Courses "Seller-cashier" on the basis of the regional state employment center (6 months).

Personal qualities:

  • Ability to build long-term collaborative relationships with colleagues
  • The ability to quickly build contact with a potential buyer,
  • The ability to maintain emotional balance in conflict situations.

sales assistant resume example was last modified: July 4th, 2017 by Elena Nabatchikova

Creating a resume is a very important point, because it is on it that a potential employer will evaluate you at the beginning.

In order to competently apply for the vacancy of a sales assistant (cashier), we offer you an example of a ready-made resume

Key Skills of a Sales Consultant

In the position of a sales assistant, many are trying to realize themselves, but only a few "hold out" to the first salary.

Often the reason for this is the irascibility, conflict of staff in relation to customers. For such activities, employees with a mixture of sanguine and phlegmatic temperament (good-natured and fairly calm people) are ideal.

Key Skills for a Sales Consultant:

  • The ability to interest the client;
  • The ability to quickly identify the needs of the buyer and offer him the best option;
  • Ability to advise the client on any service or product from the range of the company;
  • Ability to deal with customer objections, the ability to gently resolve conflicts.

sales consultant resume sample

Malinovskaya Victoria Dmitrievna

Shop assistant

City: St. Petersburg

The salary: 20000 rubles

Floor: Female

Experience: over five years

Education: Higher

Preferred work schedule: Full time work day

Date of Birth: 01/02/1985

marital status: married, two children

The address: St. Petersburg, Tverskoy Zastava st., 1

tel. 890632381057, tel. 812 2386740

E-mail address: [email protected]


2009 Business Support Center - N'yubiznet.

Accounting and taxation

2001 - 2006 European University of the Russian Federation, faculty - computer science, specialty - Information control systems and technologies

Qualification - bachelor


2008 - 2010 - IP "Poboronchuk"


2009 - Open Joint Stock Company

"Evelina +", Russia, St. Petersburg

Sales and Development Manager

  • conducting promotions, increasing sales
  • recruitment
  • personnel control
  • training
  • staff performance appraisal

2005 - 2007 Limited Liability Company

"Trading house 111", Russia, St. Petersburg

Senior sales consultant

  • recruitment, interviewing
  • organizing and supervising the work of sales staff
  • product database management
  • providing product information
  • acceptance of goods
  • sales planning, reporting
  • staff scheduling
  • customer service
  • counseling clients
  • maintaining a customer database
  • extracts of powers of attorney
  • basic skills in working with the client-bank system
  • "1C" Trade + Warehouse
  • cash book
  • cash reporting, delivery to the State Tax Inspectorate

Additional information:

I speak Polish, I study English. Mother tongue - Russian. Skills

Experienced user: MS Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, Access, Outlook), Internet skills (MS Explorer, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Safari) and E-mail (Outlook Express)

I have a driver's license category B, a personal car

Personal qualities:

Integrity, high organizational skills and courage in decision-making, honesty and responsibility, the ability to avoid conflict situations, dedication and communication skills, high efficiency and full dedication to the work performed.

Teamwork skills.

The main thing in the work of a sales assistant is to be able to select and sell a product or service to any category of buyers. If you know how to do this well, then in this area you will find success and career growth.

We wish you success in your new job search!

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