First day at a new job: recommendations to the employee and the manager. How to overcome the fear of a new job and a new team? What to do in a new workplace

Newcomers usually feel uncomfortable in a new company. A well-organized “introductory course” can help you adapt faster. However, the employee himself should take the initiative. Experts remind: self-confidence and friendly interest are the best assistants on the first working day.

“Nervousness before starting a new job is the normal state of any employee,” assures a counseling psychologist, psychotherapist, director of the Candle psychological assistance service.

If the stress on the eve of the first day of work really strains you and brings unpleasant symptoms (sweaty hands, palpitations, inability to concentrate, etc.), do a small but effective exercise that will take 15-20 minutes. Close your eyes and imagine yourself in a new workplace. Imagine it in detail - the desktop, the view from the window, the color of the cabinet walls, etc. Imagine that you are already working and everything is working out great. Exercise is best done in the evening, for example, before going to bed, for several days before going to a new job. You will feel how the level of excitement will gradually decrease.

Director recruitment agency Selectum Olga Voik I am sure: “In companies where they are responsible for human resources, for a beginner, if stress threatens, then it is minimal and short. The exit of a new employee is stressful for both the company and the employee. But stress is not terrible, unless it reaches an exorbitant level. After all, stress is the engine of progress, without it there would be no change. A high level of stress is negative - one that the individual's nervous system cannot withstand. To reduce the negative impact of stress during the period when a newcomer joins the team, there are a number of activities that are usually carried out by the personnel service and managers experienced in managing people. Regular working meetings between the HR manager and the novice and the HR manager with the novice's manager will help track down problems that prevent the new employee from being more effective, complicating the process of integration into the team.”

It is necessary for a beginner to dress in accordance with the position held, advises Olga Voik: “If a new leader comes in old shoes, and there is a Chinese plastic watch on his hand, this will at least surprise his subordinates. The same reaction can be caused by an ordinary employee who appeared in a haute couture outfit. There will be fears - will such an expensive "packed" person be responsible for his duties in an ordinary position?

An ideal option for the first working day is a strict business suit. “Don't despair if it seems that everything is wrong at a new job,” says Olga Voik. - It takes an average of three months for a person to physically adapt to a company, and it may take up to six months for a full psychological adaptation. If during this period something does not work out, it is not possible to establish relations with colleagues, try to figure out the reasons: that this is a “failure of the day” or a systemic problem due to the fact that the values ​​of the company are not close to you. At the same time, remember: all people, changing something in their lives, must adapt to new conditions, and for ALL a new job is stressful. It is important to be able to manage stress, tune in to the positive. And if it becomes very difficult - remember that stress can be "reset": go in for sports, swim, go to the bath, meet close friends, go out into the countryside. And luck in all endeavors will not keep you waiting!

The task of a beginner is to organically join the team and take their place in it without conflicts. The best tactic is to adhere to the “golden mean” in behavior and communication with colleagues, advises Alexandra Imasheva: “Do not show excessive zeal in work, but do not neglect your duties. Be sociable and as open as possible. Don't be afraid to ask for help, but don't be intrusive, don't pester co-workers with unnecessary talk. In the early days, the team will carefully observe you and draw conclusions - take this calmly. Attentiveness and observation will not harm you. Try to immediately delve into the unspoken hierarchy of relations within the team, understand the customs, character traits of colleagues. Remember their names - people like to be called by their first name or first name (depending on age and position).

Another rule: do not speak disparagingly of previous place work and former colleagues. In general, try not to radiate negativity: do not enter into arguments and defend your opinion toughly or defiantly demonstrate your competence (even if you really are more competent). Do not criticize colleagues either in their presence or behind their backs. It is better not to overdo it with the positive. Many, wanting to show their friendly attitude, strive on the very first day to arrange a small feast "for acquaintance" - to bring a cake, sweets for tea. However, this should not be done, especially if it is not known whether tea gatherings are accepted in the company. If you see that such a custom exists, you can bring a treat, say, on the day of the first salary. If you start to get overwhelmed with extra work, you should set boundaries in a friendly but firm manner. In no case do not try to raise your price with excessive zeal and try to please with your reliability. Remember that people of the same gender in a monogender team are perceived as competitors. Therefore, manifestations of rivalry are possible. A woman is usually easily accepted in a male team. Show attention to her, behave gallantly. But often they do not treat her as a serious specialist - they will have to gain their positions with difficulty. A man in a women's team is usually taken seriously from a professional point of view from the first days. But he will become the object of close attention from the point of view of arranging the personal life of his colleagues, he will be “tried on” in terms of personal relationships. It should be taken into account that when interacting with other people, men put the exchange of information at the forefront, and women - feelings and relationships, therefore, when communicating in a male team, special attention should be paid to the content of statements, and in a female team - to the manner of communication and relationships. .

And another recommendation: be patient. Even if during the adaptation period, not everything went smoothly from the very beginning, the situation is likely to improve, you just have to wait. It may take weeks or months to feel completely at home."

Elena Grigorieva

We all go through this - we get a new job and here it is, the test is the first working day. And even if this is already the next place of employment, the team is unfamiliar, the internal rules and duties are different. What to do as a recruit and how to behave?

First day at a new job

In many ways, the first working day will be decisive - what impression you will make on colleagues and your immediate supervisor, how you will cope with your completely natural excitement.

Actually, most likely, you will do little work. This day is more introductory.

You will get acquainted with colleagues, with the structure of the company - related departments, other divisions.

It is necessary to find out where the office equipment is located and how it works, how the system is organized internal communication, to whom to contact on various issues - technical, domestic, administrative.

On the first day at a new place, you will have to apply for a job: you need to write an application for employment, get acquainted with your duties set out in job description, internal regulations.

First working day after the decree

The first working day for young mothers coming out of maternity leave may not be easy at all. During this time, a lot has changed, you have to get used to it. And it’s not easy to enter a new status - now you are a working mother.

What you have to do:

  1. communicate with the boss and colleagues;
  2. meet new employees;
  3. find out new requirements for your work;
  4. analyze what you have to learn and whether you can do it yourself.

What not to do:

  1. being late - prove that working mothers can be punctual;
  2. talk too much and talk a lot about your baby, everything is good in moderation;
  3. call home often to find out how they are coping without you;
  4. worry, blaming yourself for leaving your child without maternal supervision.

The first working day - it can be so different for returning vacationers, for young mothers who have come out of maternity leave and for those who have got a new job.

One thing in common - understandable excitement and some confusion. Listen to the advice of psychologists, we tried to pick up the most relevant of them. And successful to you, easy debut in the workplace.

Erofeevskaya Natalya

For a number of reasons, the old work has ceased to suit? A small salary, work volumes growing every week, loss of interest in fulfilling duties and their effectiveness, disagreements in the team, ... - you understand: yes, something urgently needs to be changed. But… as soon as it comes to a concrete realization and the search for a new job, you are seized by a monstrous panic, a stressful psychological rejection of cardinal changes in life and a physical tremor in the knees. What will be the new job responsibilities and will I be able to handle them? How friendly will the team be? How will the relationship with the leader develop? Will I survive the probationary period and not lose my self-esteem? So many questions and not a single answer until you open that very new door to a new office.

Often the fear of new job and literally paralyzes: perhaps such a fear, inexplicable by modern intelligence, has been going on since ancient Soviet times, when running from one workplace to another was simply not accepted. A real Soviet person went to work immediately after an institute or technical school and worked in one place and in one work team until retirement. “She gave forty-five years to our enterprise!”, “He went through a difficult labor path from an apprentice to a foreman!” - familiar? , as they say, for centuries and, even if something did not suit them very much, they put up with it, not dreaming of a new job. The conservatism of thinking has gone away over time, and people no longer cling to their work, but fear ... fear of the new and unknown remains.

According to psychologists, changing jobs every four or five years is not only recommended, but also necessary, because this allows you to move on, acquire new skills and abilities, develop flexibility of thinking and not “grow with moss on the spot.” But many people are crushed by a natural desire to change something - and all because of it: fear of a new job and a new team.

Why are people afraid of a new job?

Of course, not everyone strives for novelty in their work: someone will find it much more convenient and calmer to have such a familiar workplace with duties learned by heart and performed to automatism by the same work day after day. Everything is familiar here and why change to something new? But another category, and it is about such people that the article will be discussed, is terrified of changing jobs after sitting for several years in one place - even if a better salary is expected there and Better conditions. Why? There are several reasons for this:

Such people will certainly, when thinking about changing jobs, ask themselves questions: what if in a new job you have to do something that you have not encountered before? What if I'm not smart enough and look stupid? Suddenly, new opportunities will turn into a protracted exhaustion of nerves and the realization of one's own incompetence?
. If a person is not distinguished by sociability and it is difficult for him to make new acquaintances, including business ones, it is especially acute in another work collective. This is not entirely the fault of the worker himself - a lot depends on the team in which he comes. , for example, a newly arrived woman may not be accepted at all - communication will remain alien and aggressive, no matter what you do. Another negative option may be your coming to the place of a person who was loved and respected in the team, but due to circumstances he can no longer work: constant comparison with him may be far from in your favor.
Twisting yourself. Sitting and thinking endlessly about new people, new tasks, a new office, realizing that you are not ready to break away from a warm and so familiar place, can lead to enough. You should either calm down and let go of the thought of possible prospects, or take a breath and exhale and plunge headlong into a new working life, solving problems as they arise.
Fear of the authorities - this point partially follows from the first: low self-esteem does not allow you to immediately position yourself as a competent, punctual and responsible employee, and therefore a person begins to tremble even before entering the boss's office. If the boss turns out to be correct and gives time to adapt to the duties and the new team - cheers, this difficult psychologically and emotionally stage will pass almost imperceptibly for you. If the leader is strict, harsh and unfriendly, then the development of a negative scenario is also possible.

The scale of the new work is intimidating. Moreover, the “scale” is literally: it is psychologically difficult to move from a small cozy office to a huge glass office. A person gets used not only to the environment, but also to the volumes of this environment.

The reasons for the fear of a new job, of course, have a psychological background, and therefore, only by dealing with them, you can overcome this depressing phobia.

How to deal with the fear of a new job

It happens that the thought of a new job is exhausting not only emotionally, but also physically: a person loses his appetite, at night he has nightmares with an animal boss, angry colleagues and dissatisfied customers (if work in the service sector is supposed), his head hurts, blood pressure jumps sweaty palms and difficulty breathing. These are all manifestations, with which it is almost impossible to cope with simple self-exhortations - you need to seek the advice of a psychologist or, which many choose, give up thinking about new perspectives.

If the fear of a new job is not so strong, then try to "persuade" yourself: in the end, you can always just try - and if you "do not settle down" in a new place, move on in search of real interest and comfort.

Talk to yourself: if the pros of a new job outweigh the cons, and the desire to change your life is still strong, there is every chance of finding a new and interesting activity

Ambitious people will be spurred on by the possibility of their own professional growth and the acquisition of useful skills: if the future work promises to be successful in terms of career, then in order to achieve the desired goal, a person is capable of much - fear will recede by itself.

New people - different people

New labor collective- these are not teenage children who are able to "smear" the newcomer. In your thoughts, start from the fact that adults will meet you - of course, they will not hug and kiss you, this is not America. And if you are met with indifference - well, that's not bad: having figured out how to behave in a new team, over time you will become part of this close-knit team. Try to belittle your abilities less, don’t cry over your own clumsiness and mistakes (everyone has them), don’t hold yourself arrogantly, but don’t try to get close to colleagues in the very first days. Stop, look, listen more than you talk, don't be intrusive and don't torment yourself with the questions: "What are they talking about behind my back?" and “How do they look at me?”.

Morally, one should also prepare oneself for the fact that even a wonderful person cannot always be accepted by an established team, and he will remain an outsider: well, this makes it possible to concentrate only on working moments and working relationships.

If you are afraid of new people, including at work, develop a sense of independence and self-confidence, get rid of hypersensitivity to the opinions of others

Lonely people of both sexes, panicking in front of new colleagues, will be helped by the thought: what if I meet Her or Him there? Think about it - after all, it often happens: and then you won’t drag yourself to work, like hard labor, but fly on wings.

Fear of a new leader

Fear of the boss is a separate category of “working” fears: there is always a risk of getting a new leader, even without changing jobs. This is not the worst case scenario: you remained in the same team, at your same workplace, it is possible that the work performed will remain the same. But people are different, and leaders also meet with different characters and visions of the work of the organization - from literate and correct people to petty tyrants and adherents of the totalitarian regime. Whether or not you are afraid of a new boss, there are only two options: either you learn to communicate with the boss, despite his views on work and subordinates, or you should think about finding a new job.

Getting along with your boss is a whole science, the study of which will have to be (whether you like it or not) approached responsibly and seriously. The leader is the person on whom your working life and acceptance of its results directly depend. After all, a lot of requirements are also presented to the boss, which, if necessary, you can clarify: the specifics of the tasks set, official duties and the possibility of their implementation (including technical), criteria for evaluating the work done. Yes, not all bosses are good, and sometimes you may have to - this is also a communication experience, and it will certainly come in handy in the future.

And again - like the first time? ..

A lot depends on the temperament and character of the job seeker himself: some take both sidelong glances and whispers of colleagues in the corners to heart, others distance themselves so much that such “impenetrability” will border on indifference and unhealthy indifference. Sociable people usually do not suffer from questions about how comfortable they will seem in a new, unfamiliar place - relying on the strength of their own, they will indeed be in the black. A cheerful and sociable character, unwillingness to gossip, and the right attitude to work do wonders: it is easy for such a person to adapt to the new business community, make friends, and create normal contact with the boss.

It will be more difficult for those who relate, but such people usually do not strive to work in huge companies with hundreds of employees - they understand that they feel more comfortable, more confident and calmer in a chamber-sized office with a minimum of colleagues.

Separately, it is worth noting the case when the negative experience of starting a new job has already taken place in life - yes, then I had to endure the boss’s chicanery, the lack of help and understanding of colleagues, and possible mistakes in work duties. If a person has drawn conclusions for himself, then, despite the fear of another job, it will be easier for him even with a sad past experience. In such cases, it is important not to allow yourself to self-program yourself for another work failure: the scenario will not necessarily repeat itself, and therefore go to “first class for the first time” with pleasant excitement and expectations of only positive and useful things.

And finally. The only really effective way to get around the fear of a new job and a new team is the need for “daily bread”: a person must support himself, and if he also has a family and children, then the need to earn money to support them, pay utility bills, education, clothes and shoes throws aside all sorts of fears. For the sake of life wages people are able to give up even their own phobias cherished over the years: fear will give way to interest and vital necessity, stress will pass, and changes in the working biography will turn out to be for the better - you won’t know until you try!

January 17, 2014, 12:40

The first day at a new job is always stressful. It’s scary to look the wrong way, to smile at the wrong person, to misunderstand the first task. Yes, it's just scary. And stress, as you know, often entails not quite adequate behavior. Office Life has compiled the top 5 behaviors that should not be resorted to on the first day of work.

Indomitable Racer

You can make a mistake before you even cross the threshold of your new office. Be careful when approaching a working parking lot. You never know who is riding in a car that you need to cut urgently. “One guy, driving up to a new job, cut off another car and made an obscene gesture towards the driver. And he turned out to be his new boss,” says Aleksey, manager of an accounting company. In the end, the poor young man had to make amends with hard work. By the way, excessive hard work can also be a mistake.

hardworking bee

Relax. No one expects you to start doing miracles from day one. Don't create too much stress for yourself. Let things take their course. Extra initiative can annoy your new colleagues. And proposals for innovations can tritely cause laughter behind your back. "It can take up to three months to fully settle in. Don't try to fit them into one work day," Donna Miller, head of HR for the car company, advises readers of The Times.

inappropriate questions

It's okay to ask questions about a company, but be careful what impression you make. Here are some unfortunate new employee questions from the practice of the head consulting company Helena. “Can I take indefinite leave at my own expense?”, “How quickly can I get a promotion?”, “How long is sick leave?”, or “Why do you need to apply so far in advance?”

"Is he already planning to quit?!?" Elena is surprised. In such a situation, only one thing can be advised: do not ask questions that indicate your lack of interest in the work.

Judgment Day

Employers especially do not like it when a new employee compares everything he meets in a new place with his old job. In general, you should not say all the time: "In my former job, they did this and that." Especially if your former job is a dairy and your new job is an engineering company. :)


And finally, the funniest thing: one day, a new sales manager at a telecommunications company showed up for work ... with his mother! She accompanied him to the door of the office, and at lunch she brought hot soup. The chuckles of colleagues behind their backs and the nickname "sissy" were only stopped when the mother's apron stopped appearing near the son's office. And the son himself began to excel in sales. But this is already a story from the series "impossible, but it was."

What mistakes did you make on your first day at work?

Finding a good job today is like winning the lottery. If you are lucky, do everything to make the desired place permanent.

Getting started is the key to success. How to behave on the first day at a new job in order to make the right impression on the management, find a common language with colleagues and not scare away customers and partners? There are many subtleties in these matters, but salary and career depend on the right tactics. The hardest thing is for those who are employed for the first time.

You need to prepare yesterday - what to do the day before

The success of the first day can be programmed. To do this, prepare in advance and tune in correctly.

What to check with the employer in advance

Concluding labor contract, try not to lose your temper, but find out from the management all the necessary information.

  1. Specify the work schedule, the exact start time, is there a break.
  2. Ask questions about the dress code if there are no strict uniform requirements. Or just take a look at what others are wearing.
  3. Find out who will be your line manager and who you should contact if you have questions. Remember the names and positions.
  4. Find out what to bring with you. You may need to change shoes or something else.
  5. If you need to take keys or any other working details, do not forget to ask for them.
  6. Study the location of offices, utility rooms and other rooms so as not to get confused.
  7. If the work is shift work and you will have to work in the place of another employee, be sure to get to know your partner or partner in advance and exchange phone numbers. However, this does not mean that a person needs to be disturbed by every little thing. It is better to call only in case of emergency.
  8. It is advisable to get to know the team in advance, ask to be introduced to other employees.
  9. Be calm. Look around the workplace, spend some time nearby to see how a colleague works.

Check if a business phone number, work mail, skype and other means of communication are provided. If not, but you need a connection, create a separate mailbox for yourself with a serious name suitable for the position and communication at work.

If you have to work in forgotten programs, repeat them at home. You can watch instructional videos.

What to wear on the first day of a new job

If your position does not involve wearing a uniform and the company does not have strict clothing requirements, make up your own wardrobe.

  1. Try to dress neutrally on the first day, focusing on appearance their new work colleagues.
  2. Go in what you are used to. You should not wear a dress if you like trousers, otherwise you will correct it all day and think about how it fits. For the same reason, it makes no sense to buy a new thing for the first working day.
  3. Clothing should be comfortable and seasonal in order to feel comfortable in the environment in which the working day is to be spent.
  4. Take care of comfortable shoes, do not take risks and put on new shoes that can rub your feet. High heels should be chosen only by those who are already.
  5. Do not abuse decorations, first show yourself as valuable employee, and only then you can become a trendsetter.

How not to forget anything and sleep

In order to be cheerful, focused and efficient on the first day at work, you need to sleep well and relax. Try to adjust your routine a few days before employment, as it is difficult to readjust on the last evening.

Go to bed and wake up earlier. If it is difficult to fall asleep, exclude invigorating factors: stop drinking coffee in the afternoon, refuse sports in the evenings, stop watching movies and programs that upset or excite you.

Do not pass at night, but do not torment yourself with hunger. In the evening, you can eat protein foods, such as chicken breast or boiled egg white. It's better than going to bed thinking about food.

Try not to eat unfamiliar dishes and foods that can cause you digestive problems or allergic reactions the night before. For breakfast, prepare something neutral and proven.

In the evening, prepare everything you need:

  • iron your clothes and think about what shoes you will go in;
  • collect a bag, it should contain everything you need for personal needs, cosmetics, medicines, if you take them daily. You can grab something for diarrhea if you have such a nervous problem;
  • do not forget the documents;
  • take care of cash if you use a card;
  • grab two small chocolates, they will help to cope with excessive excitement or frustration.

Perhaps you need to take a cup or other utensils, wet wipes, paper towels.

Set two alarm clocks with a margin of time to take into account all the force majeure of morning fees, traffic jams, traffic problems and other nuances.

How to behave in a new team on the first day

It is very difficult to figure out how to behave with colleagues and management at a new job on the first day, because people are not always what they seem. Therefore, try to be neutral, do not rush to prove yourself and demonstrate to others all your advantages and disadvantages.

  1. Behave equally friendly with employees, subordinates and management. Hold back your emotions.
  2. Identify an informal leader and try to please him, but naturally and imperceptibly even for him.
  3. Don't be nosy and don't ask co-workers personal questions. Do not rush to tell all the details about yourself, especially if they do not ask. You can still make friends.
  4. Don't brag about past accomplishments - this can be taken as arrogance.
  5. You can ask questions, but do not overdo it, so as not to seem inattentive and unwilling to deal with your duties yourself.
  6. It is not necessary to show all your best qualities on the very first working day at a new job. There are always fewer requirements for beginners, so leave your attractive sides and talents in reserve.
  7. You should not offer your help to others unless asked and there is no special need for it. Colleagues may not like it.
  8. Do not get carried away with tea drinking, even if others allow themselves to do it every hour. And don't attack the free corporate treats.

Immediately learn to politely but confidently refuse, citing your deeds and incompetence, if asked to do something that is beyond your duties.

On the first day at a new job, most likely, you will have to learn new things and learn tools.

  1. If the work is computer-related, write down all passwords and logins so you don't have to ask them the next day. Find out how the network works, if any, what programs and folders are shared, and how to access them.
  2. Ask to show how office equipment works, you should not study expensive equipment at random.
  3. If the specifics of the job allows, devote the first day to studying the documents. Get into everything so that you can work in the coming days without asking unnecessary questions and without making mistakes.
  4. When working in the same place with others, do not rush to put things in order and shift documents and things.
  5. If you have to ask for something from colleagues, immediately return it, even if it is scissors or a pencil.
  6. When working with clients, ask someone to tell you what kind of client it is, whether it is a regular one and how loyal it is to the company.

  • Do not rush to tell your friends and acquaintances about your successful employment.
  • Take your time to order business cards and bring a lot of personal items to your new job.
  • Place coins in the corners of your office to "conjure" a good salary.
  • Be friendly not only to people, but also to working tools - a computer, cash register, printer.
  • After a few days, bring a cactus, its thorns will neutralize negative energy.

How to behave the first day at work as a leader

It is even more difficult for the boss to fit into new team, because you can immediately lose credibility.

  1. Try to find out in advance how it was customary to contact the leader in this company - democracy reigned there or stricter procedures were in effect.
  2. Specify how it is customary to address each other - by first name or by first name and patronymic. If in doubt, introduce yourself by your first and last name.
  3. Get to know the team and find out who does what and who is responsible for what.
  4. Try to remember the names of those who will have to constantly contact. Learn the rest later.
  5. Dress in such a way that you do not arouse the envy of your subordinates, but also do not look like a “gray mouse” against their background.
  6. Do not rush to change the routine from the first days, otherwise there is a risk of disrupting the workflow and losing experienced employees.
  7. Make it a rule right away that your job is to lead, not to do the work of others.

There are a lot of professions, enterprises and fields of activity, so it is impossible to briefly describe how to behave on the first working day at a new job. For example, there are certain requirements for a secretary, and completely different requirements for a middle manager. Keep these points in mind using the recommendations below.

Well, if you didn’t like it in a new place, read the tips, or.

What else to read