Who is a radio engineer? What does

The most common entrance exams are:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics (profile) - profile subject, at the choice of the university
  • Informatics and information and communication technologies (ICT) - at the choice of the university

It is quite possible that when you hear about such a profession as a radio engineer, an image of a person repairing a radio pops up in your memory. However, such associations have long lost their relevance. In general, this profession covers both radio equipment construction and maintenance of various radio electrical engineering. Considering how widespread the use of radio circuits is now, this profession is becoming increasingly popular.

Admission conditions

For admission to the faculties that train radio engineers, you must pass the following subjects:

  • mathematics (profile)
  • Russian language,
  • informatics and ICT.

For admission to the specialty "Radio Engineering" you need to score from 30 to 73 points of the Unified State Examination.

Future profession

Radio engineers create devices and systems that receive, process and transmit information, the operation of which is based on electromagnetic waves and oscillations. In addition, specialists in this category can design various transmitters, as well as introduce their own developments into production.

One of the main conditions for successful work in this area is the excellent logical and abstract thinking of a specialist.

Where to apply

You can acquire the specialty of radio engineering in many technical universities in Moscow and the Russian Federation. For example, the largest of them:

Training period

Profile training is carried out on the basis of 11 classes. You can get an education in full-time form in 4 years, in correspondence, evening and mixed - in 5 years.

Disciplines included in the course of study

Students of direction 11.03.01 "Radio engineering" study:

  • basics of computer design of RES,
  • metrology and standardization,
  • radioautomatics,
  • ultra high frequency devices,
  • digital devices and microprocessors.

Acquired Skills

After graduating from high school, bachelors are able to do more than make and repair radio circuits. In addition, graduates have the following competencies:

Employment prospects by profession

Graduates of the direction can apply for the positions of technicians, adjusters and developers in companies that produce electrical equipment, as well as in enterprises for the development of satellite and telecommunication systems, in organizations of a radio-electronic profile, television and radio companies. Specialists with experience can prove themselves in the direction of research activities.

As for the level of future wages, everything here depends on the experience and scope of the specialist's knowledge and skills. At state enterprises, the average salary of a radio engineer is from 20 to 40 thousand rubles, in commercial organizations, earnings can be up to 80 thousand.

Benefits of a Master's Degree

If a bachelor's graduate is attracted to research activities, then you can always continue your studies in a master's program. Most universities provide this opportunity.

Graduates of the master's program are engaged in the development of modern installations of radar and radio navigation, radio transmitting and receiving equipment, as well as devices for information processing.

Suitable educational specialties: Radio mechanic.
Key items: Physics; Engineering principles; Design; Assemblies of radio electronic devices; Informatics

Tuition fee (average in Russia): 164,000 rubles

Job description:

*tuition fee is indicated for 4 years of full-time bachelor's degree.

Features of the profession

A radio technician is a household, colloquial designation for a specialist in instrumentation. The official name of the specialty is radio apparatus engineering.
This profession is related to the profession of a radio mechanic. The difference is that a radio technician can not only repair electronic devices and systems, but can also design them on his own.
If for the repair and maintenance of radio electronics usually (although not always) primary vocational education is sufficient, then for apparatus engineering at least secondary specialized education (technical school level) is required.

A radio engineer may be responsible for organizing and assembling radio engineering devices and systems, and setting them up according to existing technology and technical documentation. Can also participate in the development of new models of devices, their calculation and design.

Electronic technology is constantly evolving through the efforts of such specialists and development engineers. But the development technologies themselves do not stand still. For the design of devices, for planning the technology of assembly and installation, modern specialists use special computer programs, the so-called computer-aided design systems on a computer.
Newly developed devices, components and systems are always subject to certification tests. Radio technicians do this too.

The profession of radio engineering, like any other, leaves a special imprint on a person. For example, a radio engineer has a special attitude to the devices that surround us in everyday life.
He, like no one else, can appreciate the quality of a TV or DVD player. Unlike an ordinary TV lover, a radio technician is able to appreciate not only the image quality, but also the beauty of engineering and assembly quality.

As a rule, people come to this profession who have been passionate about radio electronics since childhood, who enjoy designing radio transmitters or robots, fiddling with boards, parts and working with a soldering iron for many hours.


A radio technician with a diploma of secondary vocational education can work in production, in a design bureau, repair shops, etc. as an installer, controller of electronic devices, technologist and even a radio electronics engineer.


Salary range as of 11/21/2017

Russia 40000 rub.

Important qualities

The profession of a radio mechanic implies an interest in technology, engineering abilities, the ability to do manual work, good intelligence, good memory, the ability to concentrate, and perseverance.
Weak vision and impaired fine motor skills are contraindications for this profession.

Knowledge and skills

A radio engineer must have a good understanding of the laws of physics and engineering principles on which the operation of devices is based, know and be able to use the standards for the design, installation and assembly of radio electronic devices.
It is necessary to be able to read and create electrical circuits, instrument diagrams, be able to work with a soldering iron, carry out diagnostics and repairs, own computer design tools.

Where do they teach

Secondary specialized education in the specialty "Radio Appliance Engineering" can be obtained at a college or technical school.

radio technician- a specialist in the assembly, configuration, testing and operation of radio engineering systems and devices. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physics, mathematics and drawing (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

A radio technician is a household, colloquial designation for a specialist in instrumentation. The official name of the specialty is radio apparatus engineering.

This profession is related to the profession of a radio mechanic. The difference is that a radio technician can not only repair electronic devices and systems, but can also design them on his own.

If for the repair and maintenance of radio electronics usually (although not always) primary vocational education is sufficient, then for apparatus engineering at least secondary specialized education (technical school level) is required.

A radio engineer may be responsible for organizing and assembling radio engineering devices and systems, and setting them up according to existing technology and technical documentation. Can also participate in the development of new models of devices, their calculation and design.

Electronic technology is constantly evolving through the efforts of such specialists and development engineers. But the development technologies themselves do not stand still. For the design of devices, for planning the technology of assembly and installation, modern specialists use special computer programs, the so-called computer-aided design systems on a computer.

Newly developed devices, components and systems are always subject to certification tests. Radio technicians do this too.

The profession of radio engineering, like any other, leaves a special imprint on a person. For example, a radio engineer has a special attitude to the devices that surround us in everyday life. He, like no one else, can appreciate the quality of a TV or DVD player. Unlike an ordinary TV lover, a radio technician is able to appreciate not only the image quality, but also the beauty of engineering and assembly quality.

As a rule, people come to this profession who have been passionate about radio electronics since childhood, who enjoy designing radio transmitters or robots, fiddling with boards, parts and working with a soldering iron for many hours.


A radio technician with a diploma of secondary vocational education can work in production, in a design bureau, repair shops, etc. as an installer, controller of electronic devices, technologist and even a radio electronics engineer.


Salary as of 04.12.2019

Russia 25000—100000 ₽

Moscow 42500—70000 ₽

Important qualities

The profession of a radio mechanic implies an interest in technology, engineering abilities, the ability to do manual work, good intelligence, good memory, the ability to concentrate, and perseverance.

Weak vision and impaired fine motor skills are contraindications for this profession.

Knowledge and skills

A radio engineer must have a good understanding of the laws of physics and engineering principles on which the operation of devices is based, know and be able to use the standards for the design, installation and assembly of radio electronic devices.

Radio engineering is a specialty that many associate with repairing receivers and soldering huge circuits. This is due to distant memories from Soviet times, when almost every boy had his own small radio workshop. However, do not be prejudiced.

Now is the age of great changes and technological progress. Hundreds of new models of electronic devices enter the market every day. All of them need proper tuning, and sometimes even repair. And radio engineering is just the science that can help in this. But let's talk about everything in order.

Radio engineering: specialty or vocation?

As stated earlier, most people judge this science by looking back at examples from the past. Then many radio engineers mastered this direction on their own, experimenting on old tape recorders and reading the works of famous engineers. However, only a few dared to enter the institute in this specialty, as they did not see the potential in this profession.

Now everything has changed dramatically. Instruments have become more complex, and good books have become a real shortage. And, in fact, no matter how excellent a person is, without an appropriate diploma, it is clearly impossible to get a job. Therefore, radio engineering is primarily a profession, and a passion for electronics is just a pleasant addition to it.

How to become a radio engineer?

It is curious that a radio engineer is a common expression. In professional language, this profession is simply called "technician". However, you must admit that the first word is much clearer, since it fully explains the essence of human work.

In general, radio engineering is a specialty that falls into two broad categories: engineering and maintenance. You can get the necessary education both at the technical school and at the institute. And yet, the second option is much better, as it will allow you to acquire a “crust” of an engineer.

It should be noted that radio engineering is a specialty that not everyone can master. This is due to the large amount of information that the future specialist must study. Otherwise, he will not be able to work normally in the future, let alone improve his skills on his own.

Features of the profession

To begin with, let's talk about what qualities a person who wants to master radio engineering should have. So he needs:

  • have an analytical;
  • love to work with technology;
  • be able to sit still for a long time;
  • have good motor skills;
  • be able to concentrate.

It should also be noted that this profession requires constant self-improvement. Indeed, over the years, the knowledge gained at the institute loses its relevance, as completely new models of devices enter the market. Therefore, a radio engineer must constantly deepen his knowledge and delve into technical innovations.

Specialty radio engineering: who to work after training?

After many years of training left behind, a well-founded question arises as to where it is better to go to work. So, radio engineering is a specialty, reviews of which are rather controversial. Some claim that finding a job in this profession is quite simple, others claim the opposite.

However, after a little investigation, we can come to the following conclusion: a radio engineer has a very high chance of finding a promising job. After all, this is a rather rare specialty, and few dare to master it. As for specific places, we can give a small list of suitable vacancies:

  1. State-owned enterprises for the production of radio engineering: the salary is average.
  2. Computer stores and repair centers: the salary is average.
  3. Design bureaus and institutes: wages are high.
  4. Various commercial structures and agencies: the salary is above average.
  5. Setting up field beacons and maintenance of oil radio towers: the salary is very high.

Beginning: 25000 ⃏ per month

Experienced: 38000 ⃏ per month

Professional: 65000 ⃏ per month

* - information on salaries is given approximately based on vacancies on profiling sites. Salary in a particular region or company may differ from those given. Your income is greatly influenced by how you can apply yourself in the chosen field of activity. Income is not always limited only by the fact that you are offered vacancies in the labor market.

Demand for the profession

The demand for radio engineers is associated with the presence in Moscow and other large cities of a large number of organizations in the radio engineering industry, where there is an urgent need for qualified technical specialists, engineers and managers. At the same time, specialists with knowledge of a foreign language (mainly English) are in increasing demand.

Who is the profession for?

Professionally important qualities

  • technical intelligence;
  • high level of abstract and logical thinking;
  • ability to work with hands;
  • propensity to work independently;
  • technical intuition;
  • ingenuity;
  • perseverance.

Working conditions

The work of a radio engineer is full-time, wages are calculated depending on the official salary. In his activities, a radio engineer uses special clothing in accordance with the requirements of the regulations for the work performed.


Career development of a radio engineer may involve specialization and development of related professional fields. Since radio engineering and microelectronics are developing rapidly, it is possible to master newly emerging specialties within the framework of an existing profession. In the future, you can also master related professions, for example, the profession of a design engineer, design engineer.


  • conducting a preliminary feasibility study for projects of radio engineering devices and systems;
  • calculation and design of parts, assemblies and devices of radio engineering systems in accordance with the terms of reference using design automation tools;
  • development of design and technical documentation, registration of completed design work;
  • control of compliance of developed projects and technical documentation with standards, specifications and other regulatory documents;
  • introduction of development results into production;
  • drawing up instructions for the operation of technical equipment and software;
  • participation in verification, adjustment, adjustment and assessment of the condition of equipment and adjustment of software tools used for the development, production and adjustment of radio engineering devices and systems;
  • participation in the installation, adjustment, testing and commissioning of prototypes of parts, assemblies, systems and products of radio engineering devices and systems.

in the field of maintenance and repair of radio electronic equipment:

  • organization and execution of assembly and installation of radio engineering systems, devices and units in accordance with the technical documentation;
  • tuning and adjustment of radio engineering systems, devices and blocks;
  • carrying out standard and certification tests of components and blocks of a radio-electronic product;
  • operation and maintenance of radio electronic means;
  • repair and adjustment of radio engineering devices for various purposes;
  • participation in the preparation of applications for the necessary technical equipment and spare parts, preparation of technical documentation for repairs.
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